四川賽特制冷設備有限公司是一家專業**于為汽車整車提供空調系統、控制系統、前端散熱模塊及熱管理系統解決方案的供應商。集研發、生產、銷售、服務為一體的高新技術企業。 Saite Refrigeration?;Co., Ltd?;is a dedicated supplier of thermal management system (air conditioning system, control system, cooling pack?;and battery cooling system) and solutions for vehicle, combining R&D, manufacturing, sales and services. 四川賽特制冷設備有限公司,成立于2012年9月,位于四川省鄰水縣城南工業園40號,占地面積70畝,該生產基地總投資2.5億元,于2013年年底正式投產,主要承擔賽特空調系統及零部件的生產制造,包括總裝、管路、熱交換(含鈑金)、注塑四大制造平臺,目前員工人數400余人。 Established in Sep 2012, Sichuan Saite is located at No.40, Chengnan Industrial Park, Linshui, Sichuan Province. The production base, launched in the end of 2013, takes up a area of 2.7 hectares with an investment of over 250 million RMB. It undertakes manufacturing of air conditioning systems and components with 4 divisions of GA, pipes & lines, heat exchange and injection moulding. The base has over 400 employees. 公司目前主要與長安、吉利、賽力斯、東風小康、華晨鑫源海外越南VINFAST等多家主機廠進行配套。 Currently Saite is supplying OEMs as Changan, Geely, Seres, DFSK, SRM and VinFast, etc. 賽特制冷始終堅持以“品質**、不斷改善、克勤克儉、永續經營”的經營宗旨和“科技創新**行業發展,優良品質贏得品牌與尊重”的質量方針,堅持“打造賽特品牌,共創百年企業”的經營理念,實現賽特公司的工業自動化,打造“賽特”民族品牌,做一個行業**競爭力的企業,實現賽特公司的“百年企業”之夢。 Saite will always adhere to the philosophy of "quality first, continuous improvement, diligence and frugality, sustainable operation" and the guideline of "science-driven development and reputation earned with quality". We will continue to build our brand, achieve industrial automation and strive for higher competitiveness in pursuit of the goal of "century-old enterprise".